
Platoon | The First Casualty Of War Is Innocence…

Patricia Highsmith | Novelist, Short Story Writer - She wrote The Talented Mr. Ripley…

My World Without Words…

In ancient Egypt, it was believed that Ra, the sun god, created the honeybee from his tears. Bee’s were seen as the messenger of the gods, falling from Ra's face, down to earth, where she could deliver the messages from the heavens…

Dreamers and poets are pirates navigating by the stars… - Luciano Antonio D’Angelo

Carpe Diem. Seize The day, Boys. Make Your Lives Extraordinary... - Dead Poets Society

High sexual tension between you and the villain | a slowed playlist...

This playlist will make you feel like a bond girl...

She is half my soul, as the poet say… (playlist) My Mix starts w/ Tino Gonzales - Catch Me When I Fall

As the just city would only be possible by equating the king with the philosopher, there cannot be a true poet who is not also a philosopher…

Bloodline: There was the blood of philosophers, poets and artists flowing through his veins…